I can't stop you,from hurting you or anyone else, never have been or could. I know that the best I can do is be there when you need me, to sort through the fall-out or to somehow cushion your fall...(I am soft...but you know that (;)
But when you were talking about the new girl, and how you were " on a high"...it got me looking back at some other conversations that we have had or things that even we have gone through together...
I think you have felt that high to some degree with many of the girls you have tangled with...the major difference with this girl probably is less about her ( because it has only been a short while) and more about the fact for the first time in over a decade-you can feel close to someone and not feel guilty...I mean you talked about the girl you had the emotional affair with at the Rio...you told me that there was something between you and Sam, but you were married...God, you and I went through it last summer/fall...the fresno trip leading into my stay at the Silverton...you said before I came out and stayed at the Silverton you were "excited like your girlfriend was coming to see you at college" and quickly said you couldn't have that in your life. And I am sure there was some moment like that with the girl you were seeing up until recently-but she came into your life before Mel moved out-so maybe on some level that twisted things in your mind...they may all feel different, but they come from the same place. like coke feels different than smack, but they are both bad for you.
I think the high comes from your need to be needed. You need to be needed and then when someone's need for you becomes too much you leave, act out, cheat...but you have to have that in your life. You need the picture complete. House, dog, truck, job, woman aka "country song"...
and I stand by what I say, if you don't take time, every woman you meet is m, because you build a life with them and then lament the freedom you don't have. If you have tricked yourself into believing the "right girl" will tame you...well, then you are a bigger dickbag than I thought. Until you explore you, YOU,not you in reference to another person-you will keep on living out the same patterns. Like I said last night, two people who just came out of marriages, one who cheated and one who was cheated on...find themselves falling in love? Um, are you fucking serious? I am sure she is pretty shiny new package, but essentially very comfortable for you...because she is attracted to men who cheat. One cheater? statistically that could happen. The next guy she falls for is a cheater? You don't need a psych degree to crack that code.
And you are stuck in your patterns as well... when you were in your marriage, we were in constant contact-I gave you that rush that you needed...when you had the freedom to find that attention elsewhere-you did, but even though your relationships with the other girls are different than how we have ever been-your pattern is the same. It cracked me up when you talked about waking up and texting her, then calling in the afternoon...I thought to myself, " He doesn't even realize that he is keeping the same damn pattern-thats how he was with me"...
And who knows. I could be wrong. Fuck, for your sake, I hope I am...I just want you to stop being so scared of you. I think I know you better than just about anyone, and I see so much good in you. I see this genuine, funny, sexy, silly, VULNERABLE boy who is so caught up in being the ideal man that he keeps fucking it up. You tell me to let you just live out your path, but fuck ,you won't allow yourself the freedom to just find what feels natural...you determine your path by what feels normal, or what you think looks good from the outside...that isn't what's natural...we talked so much about the things you would do if you were single when you were still with M...from taking a motorcycle and disappearing for awhile to going up to alaska...and though I don't advocate that you abandon responsibility and go off the grid...you do have vacation time-and you should take it...YOU, alone, not with some girl-I don't care how crushed out you are.
And that bullshit last night, where you said " I will just tell her I am a waste of HER time" WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF LIFETIME ORIGINAL MOVIE SOAP OPERA SHIT IS THAT? seriously? Either you have no self-esteem or you are trying to illicit some response from her. either way it is gross and you are bigger than that. and if you aren't? then you will be a waste of everyone's time, including your own until you are bigger than that.
Look at it this way...the part of you that is emotionally connected to me, dare I say NEEDS me, is the part of you that needs more than what you are comfortable with...that exists outside the country song, is restless...and I am a safe place because I don't give a fuck about all the bullshit, I just see YOU...I mean, who did you call last night when you were feeling down? Me...so if you want me out of your life, you got get right with you. Otherwise, you will forever be the booger I can't off my finger, and I will always be there, reminding you of those parts you are neglecting...
And love, true love...comes from time and weathering someone...what you feel after a month is all oxytocin ( it is them chemical we release when we touch each other...it leads to bonding...so if you touch someone alot...the chemical bond deepens)...and that love never is as shiny or feels as intense as that dreamy early period...but don't let yourself fall into a situation that you aren't ready for.
I look forward to the next time we meet. Just make sure you bring peanutbutter cups.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
my black swan stares down 30
So you are, for all intents and purposes-30. You are entering a new decade and a new phase in your life-you belong to you, for the first time, really-and you have already expressed both fear and relief...Happy Birthday,Daddy....
But I want you to remember, there is a difference between where you have been, what you have done, who you are and who you will be. I don't like hearing you say you ARE a womanizing piece of shit...you definitely have been one, a prolific one at that- but that doesn't mean that is who you are. You don't know yourself well enough to know that yet. You require ALOT of attention, whether you realize it or not. Maybe part of that is not ever getting what you want or knowing how to get what you want from people in your life. Also, not allowing yourself to really connect emotionally to people leads to more shallow encounters-which makes it easy to collect a harem. I think you have choosen people that support your comfortable patterns of behavior...i get the sense you have just been on autopilot for years. You and your country song soundtrack, spending too much time and investing too much life into other people's perceptions.
Now you can change that. Or atleast better understand that...you never have to be selfish in a relationship again, because you have the opportunity to be honest-because if you are honest you don't have to live in a fractured mirror ...so stop bad mouthing my friend by putting yourself down. Give yourself a fucking chance for once. I mean, you have pretty much done every shitty thing you can do to another person, seriously-and you don't feel good about it...you have seen the worst of you and hopefully with time and you really looking at where you have been, you can put the demons to rest or atleast figure out how to satisfy those parts of you in a way that doesn't hurt other people.
And you may decide, you like having the different parts of your life not touch and that is fine as well. If that is who you are, then own it, don't feel bad about it. Fuck, who is to say that your way isn't the right and best way for you to live? In the time that we have known each other, I have seen your whites and blacks and most every shade of grey-if only in flashes, if only for the time it took you to cum and hit the door.And while you can be a world class fuckhole, there are some genuinely sweet parts of you-and for once i am not talking about your cock (thinking about it, yes, but not referring to it). But mostly with you i have seen the primal: flight response, fear, fucking...anger...alot of fear, actually. distance comes from fear, anger comes from fear...anything that is strong enough to hurt you can heal you. remember that before you make your next move in that chess game...and just because you sacrificed your queen, doesn't mean you destabilized the board. Pawns can become queens, mind your pawns and strengthen your game.
love you. mean it.
But I want you to remember, there is a difference between where you have been, what you have done, who you are and who you will be. I don't like hearing you say you ARE a womanizing piece of shit...you definitely have been one, a prolific one at that- but that doesn't mean that is who you are. You don't know yourself well enough to know that yet. You require ALOT of attention, whether you realize it or not. Maybe part of that is not ever getting what you want or knowing how to get what you want from people in your life. Also, not allowing yourself to really connect emotionally to people leads to more shallow encounters-which makes it easy to collect a harem. I think you have choosen people that support your comfortable patterns of behavior...i get the sense you have just been on autopilot for years. You and your country song soundtrack, spending too much time and investing too much life into other people's perceptions.
Now you can change that. Or atleast better understand that...you never have to be selfish in a relationship again, because you have the opportunity to be honest-because if you are honest you don't have to live in a fractured mirror ...so stop bad mouthing my friend by putting yourself down. Give yourself a fucking chance for once. I mean, you have pretty much done every shitty thing you can do to another person, seriously-and you don't feel good about it...you have seen the worst of you and hopefully with time and you really looking at where you have been, you can put the demons to rest or atleast figure out how to satisfy those parts of you in a way that doesn't hurt other people.
And you may decide, you like having the different parts of your life not touch and that is fine as well. If that is who you are, then own it, don't feel bad about it. Fuck, who is to say that your way isn't the right and best way for you to live? In the time that we have known each other, I have seen your whites and blacks and most every shade of grey-if only in flashes, if only for the time it took you to cum and hit the door.And while you can be a world class fuckhole, there are some genuinely sweet parts of you-and for once i am not talking about your cock (thinking about it, yes, but not referring to it). But mostly with you i have seen the primal: flight response, fear, fucking...anger...alot of fear, actually. distance comes from fear, anger comes from fear...anything that is strong enough to hurt you can heal you. remember that before you make your next move in that chess game...and just because you sacrificed your queen, doesn't mean you destabilized the board. Pawns can become queens, mind your pawns and strengthen your game.
love you. mean it.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
country songs
from what I can gather you have this weird country song mindset that you want a woman that "makes you want to be a better man", that you have this idea of what makes a good wife/girlfriend etc and then there is everyone else. All that "better man" bullshit is going to ensure you atleast one more divorce/bitter break-up and/or a lifetime of scumbaggery as you "get your dick wet" on the side in any future relationship you are in-whether it be a year or ten years into your next relationship.
When you talk about your wife or about past relationships, there is always distance there. That distance, the best I can figure, is the difference between what you need and what you have been hardwired to believe that you want. When we were in Atlanta, you talked about how Melanie made a "good wife"...she was loyal and devoted and got you pole beans for your garden while you away. Meanwhile, you were telling all this to me:for lack of a better word-your mistress who you had flown cross country with...and you talked alot in Atlanta about what it meant to be "a man"...but it seemed empty...like part of your idea of being a man was having a solid woman at home and a life that looked good on paper-but didn't require you to be emotionally present at all. Like all your relationships, except for ours, regardless of how serious or casual, have always been you relating to a female in this distant way...where you are the "man" and you tell her what she wants to hear or do what you think she wants and then live a life completely separate to the one you share with her. And while having your own friends and a life away from your partner is healthy, you have a completely separate life...like they wouldn't recognize you if they saw more than what they want to see or what you allow them to see.
And I think that is why you have always run around...and why you may always run around. Passion in any relationship cools...but if you don't connect on a deeper level, it is easy to just go out and fuck someone else and tell yourself it doesn't matter-because it doesn't...the people in your life are just the outlines of people. Your interactions- they are all choreography.
And sitting from where I sit,it just seems so empty. I remember you telling me about sam, about how you respected that she wouldn't hook up with you because you were married...And I remember thinking that she wasn't morally superior,she just needed to be the center of attention. And your approach with her was different, you courted her and you had even said that if you were single there may have been more between you. And I remember thinking-but you weren't single, and you weren't going to leave your wife, so your best case scenario was that you just got to fuck her a few times before you walked away from her and yet, you kinda put me down for respecting your situation and just being honest, and not making things bigger or more important than they were. And I am sure with this new girl and with the next string of girls, you will take them out and tell them what they want to hear, then tell yourself that is how it supposed to be...
all i am saying is that you need to look deep. You said before the last time I was in Vegas you felt like your girlfriend was coming to town, and you were intense with me in bed, emotionally-not just physically...and then you said that your feelings for me threatened your marriage. Look at that. Look at why your relationship with me is different. part of it is because I don't fit into the typical mold. Being a better man is knowing yourself and coming into a relationship a whole person-not that shit you hear in country songs.
Maybe you can't have that closeness with anyone else, I dunno...but look deep. Because I am not going through the shit we have gone through in your next relationship. If you leave your wife and 3 weeks or 3 months or 3 years down the road into your next relationship, you are still sleeping with me-and tell me that your feelings for me are interfering with that relationship, I am going to fly to vegas and kick you in the nuts. because you would have to be a fucking retard to always push to the side the person who you care for.
a marionette with cut strings huh? thats a good one
When you talk about your wife or about past relationships, there is always distance there. That distance, the best I can figure, is the difference between what you need and what you have been hardwired to believe that you want. When we were in Atlanta, you talked about how Melanie made a "good wife"...she was loyal and devoted and got you pole beans for your garden while you away. Meanwhile, you were telling all this to me:for lack of a better word-your mistress who you had flown cross country with...and you talked alot in Atlanta about what it meant to be "a man"...but it seemed empty...like part of your idea of being a man was having a solid woman at home and a life that looked good on paper-but didn't require you to be emotionally present at all. Like all your relationships, except for ours, regardless of how serious or casual, have always been you relating to a female in this distant way...where you are the "man" and you tell her what she wants to hear or do what you think she wants and then live a life completely separate to the one you share with her. And while having your own friends and a life away from your partner is healthy, you have a completely separate life...like they wouldn't recognize you if they saw more than what they want to see or what you allow them to see.
And I think that is why you have always run around...and why you may always run around. Passion in any relationship cools...but if you don't connect on a deeper level, it is easy to just go out and fuck someone else and tell yourself it doesn't matter-because it doesn't...the people in your life are just the outlines of people. Your interactions- they are all choreography.
And sitting from where I sit,it just seems so empty. I remember you telling me about sam, about how you respected that she wouldn't hook up with you because you were married...And I remember thinking that she wasn't morally superior,she just needed to be the center of attention. And your approach with her was different, you courted her and you had even said that if you were single there may have been more between you. And I remember thinking-but you weren't single, and you weren't going to leave your wife, so your best case scenario was that you just got to fuck her a few times before you walked away from her and yet, you kinda put me down for respecting your situation and just being honest, and not making things bigger or more important than they were. And I am sure with this new girl and with the next string of girls, you will take them out and tell them what they want to hear, then tell yourself that is how it supposed to be...
all i am saying is that you need to look deep. You said before the last time I was in Vegas you felt like your girlfriend was coming to town, and you were intense with me in bed, emotionally-not just physically...and then you said that your feelings for me threatened your marriage. Look at that. Look at why your relationship with me is different. part of it is because I don't fit into the typical mold. Being a better man is knowing yourself and coming into a relationship a whole person-not that shit you hear in country songs.
Maybe you can't have that closeness with anyone else, I dunno...but look deep. Because I am not going through the shit we have gone through in your next relationship. If you leave your wife and 3 weeks or 3 months or 3 years down the road into your next relationship, you are still sleeping with me-and tell me that your feelings for me are interfering with that relationship, I am going to fly to vegas and kick you in the nuts. because you would have to be a fucking retard to always push to the side the person who you care for.
a marionette with cut strings huh? thats a good one
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